
Hpw is structure of a lymph node can be described


HUman Biology

1. The structure of a lymphatic vessel is most similar to that of a(n)
A. artery.
B. arteriole.
C. vein
D. capillary.

2. The spleen
A. is the largest lymphatic organ
B. it filters the blood.
C. it serves as a blood reservoir.
D. all of the above

3. The spleen is much like a lymph node except that the spleen
A. does not store lymphocytes.
B. Filters lymph
C. Filters blood.
D. does not contain phagocytes.

4. The structure of a lymph node can be described as
A. being divided into compartments that contain masses of lymphocytes and macrophages.
B. afferent vessels circulating lymph into the node on is convex surface.
C. efferent vessels circulating lymph out of the node at its hilum
D. all of the above

5. The major function(s) of a lymph node is/are
A. production of lymphocytes.
B. filtration of foreign particles.
C. filtration of cellular debris.
D. all of the above

6. All of the following are lymph organs except the :
a. tonsils
b. liver
c. thymus
d. spleen

7. Which of the following is the largest lymph organ in an adult?
a. tonsils
b. liver
c. thymus
d. spleen

8. Where is the thymus gland located?
a. just above the heart
b. pleural cavity
c. abdominal cavity
d. superior to the pelvic nodes

9. Lymphatic capillaries are able to receive cellular debris and foreign particles because _____
A. of the structure of their flap-like valves and porous cell membrane structure.
B. the fluid pressure is so great it forces this material into the capillaries
C. lymphatic and cardiovascular capillaries are designed to receive this material
D. of amoeboid motion of the foreign particles

10. Which of these is not a function of lymph nodes?
A. house lymphocytes and macrophages
B. filter lymph
C. produce red blood cells
D. produce lymphocytes

11. What is the role of the thymus in protecting the body against disease?
A. It houses decaying lymphocytes, recycling the nutrients within them.
B. It is the site of maturation of T lymphocytes
C. It is the site of production and maturation of B lymphocytes.
D. Macrophages and monocytes are produced here and migrate to other tissues

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Biology: Hpw is structure of a lymph node can be described
Reference No:- TGS01914365

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