
Hpr 350 - what influenza has always played a major role in

Introduction to Epidemiology Ashford University Text:Friis, R. H. and Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice.

Review your classmates' posts and find two who wrote about different variables than you do.

Apply their variable to an example (either real or made-up) where this particular variable was significant in the overall investigation of an outbreak. (That outbreak does not have to be influenza). [For example, if they wrote on "who" you might consider discussing a case where finding the person who is the carrier of a particular disease advantageous in stopping the spread of that disease.]

The two I selected was Race and Ethnicity. African Americans and Whites were the two ethnicity that I choose to research. Being that America is coming more diverse whites Americans and African Americans display a huge role in this country we in live today. Whites refer people that come from Europe, Middle East, or north Africa (Friis, 2014). Africa America refers to a person having a origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa (Friis, 2014).

What Influenza has always played a major role in the African American and White Americans lives, but as the years has progressed the numbers influenza cases has dropped.

According to the CDC the 2016-17 flu season is winding down, however flu activity persists in some areas (CDC, 2017). With our research in America a healthier country there has been vaccinations to cure virus when flu season occurs every year. ?Where ?Three states reported Influenza cases in this past month California, Maine, and Arizona.

California health educators always reminds there people to get flu vaccines before flu season arise, and wash hands. Arizona reported 33-34 cases in August on a two week span (CDC, 2017).

In Maine reported 22 cases during a 19- week period that ended in May, 2017 (CDC, 2017). ?When ?From 200-2010 health educators looked at the flu cases amongst five different ethnicities. The total numbers of whites compared to blacks were a huge difference. Although the numbers stayed pretty consistent for each race on the ten year span.

Whites out number blacks. According to CDC in 200 whites were populated at 75.1% to blacks at 12.3%, and in 2010 whites were at 72.4% to blacks at 12.6% (CDC, 2017). This is very interesting to see how the numbers are so different, but whites and black still lead in certain health disease like Heart diseases and strokes. ?How ?These numbers usually come from patients that go to the hospitals with health issues, and survey's that take place. Health educators has to make sure they are getting numbers monthly from each state to make sure the data is most accurate.

African Americans and White American may not live the healthiest life styles which can lead to influenza in deadly diseases. ?Why ?Reason why this has become an issue because it seems in other countries they seem to be healthier, than America. In the past more people cooked, and stead of eating fast food.

Usually no physical activity or a bad diet can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Blacks and whites that live in low income economies have more of a chance of getting ill fast or coming across diseases. Another reason the number can be so high, because these two ethnicities dominate America.

References:Friis, R. H. and Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

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