
Hpr 202 the rules and regulations of the sport relating to

Exercise Physiology

Assignment  Guidelines: Energy Systems Review

This assignment is a group 4-5 page paper (2000 words maximum, 1500 words minimum) which reviews the energy system requirements and expected adaptations resulting from training (an evidence based review) for your chosen Olympic sport. This paper should focus on the application of your knowledge so far relating to the bioenergetics of sport (10% of final class grade).

Your paper should be double-spaced and use APA format. For a review of APA format, please visit the Owl at Perdue website (click hyperlink). Your pages should be numbered and contain a cover page. Size 12 font, Times New Roman.

Please address the following questions in your paper:

An introduction to your sport and its history in the Olympics (how long has it been an Olympic sport, are there male and female events, is it a summer or winter sport, is it an individual or team event?)

The rules and regulations of the sport relating to energy considerations (duration of competitive event, intensity of event, rules relating to how one can be disqualified, what supplements or energy boosters are permitted/banned (e.g. creatine, amino acids, bicarbonate, caffeine, oxygen supplementation). Use the IOC page and the WADA page to help with this.

How is the sport evaluated or scored? What is success graded on? e.g. distance, speed, agility, time, goals, degrees of rotation, aesthetic appeal etc. Give stats on times and scores between a gold, silver and bronze medal in this sport for the latest Olympics.

Review which of the energy systems will be dominant during each phase of the event (break it down if the event has, for example a jump, sprint, turn, held position, endurance phase etc.) Give your overall impressions of what type of athlete this event requires e.g. aerobic, anaerobic, combination. Provide literary support (data to support your statement from journal and book articles) 20 points.

Provide primary evidence relating to the actual energy demands of that sport in terms of the energy systems used, primary fuel substrates, quantity of kcals expended in a typical game, VO2, dietary priorities for fuelling, typical training methods, typical heart dynamics (Stroke Volume, Cardiac Output, oxygen consumption, VO2 values, anaerobic costs) of amateur and elite athletes in this sport. You must provide data in this section from journal articles, books and reliable web sites (not Wikipedia). Ask me for help if you cannot find info.

Summarize the most potent training effects seen in this type of athlete because of training in this sport (changes over time or differences between an elite athlete's physiology and that of a recreational athlete).

You can provide comparative data for the top 3 athletes in the sport for example or the differences between an elite and novice athlete in this sport (e.g. Resting Heart Rate comparisons, world record times, scores etc., greatest VO2, respiratory volume, lactate threshold, muscle glycogen capacity, oxidative and anaerobic enzyme volume. You will need to use journals and books for this also.

Provide a comprehensive list (links) to the video resources that you used in your research as well as the journal and book articles in your citations. I will review your videos as part of your grade. Papers must not be plagiarised.

The bulk of your grade here is based upon you showing evidence of quality research from primary resources and credible websites to apply what we have covered in class and what you know so far from anatomy and physiology regarding the bodily systems adaptation to exercise and the key physiological factors in elite athletic performance.

Make your paper a stimulating read, be creative and most of all factual. Think like a physiologist! What makes this particular athlete or group of athletes successful? Why is their body different, amazing and outstanding and how? Use tables and charts to show differences and collate information that would be of interest to the reader.

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Dissertation: Hpr 202 the rules and regulations of the sport relating to
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