
How your reaction time measurement affected by distraction


How Does Distraction Affect Reaction Times?

a) Get a partner and sit facing them as they stand.

b) Extend one of your arms toward your partner with your thumb and fingers parted about an inch. Have the partner hold the top of a meterstick or yardstick just above your outstretched hand, with the "0" mark just above your fingers.

c) Have your partner drop the stick straight down between your fingers.

d) Catch the stick between your thumb and fingers as soon you sense it begin to fall. Note how far "up" the stick it fell before you caught it. Record 10 trials of this process in your essay box under the title "Undistracted."

e) Now count backwards from 100 by fives (100, 95, 90, 85, etc) to distract your senses. Repeat/record the test 10 more times and record under the title "Distracted."

Compare the results, and answer the following questions in your essay box:

a) Did your reaction time improve with each trial?

b) How was your reaction time measurement affected by distraction? (Quote your data.)

c) What other factors, besides distraction, might also decrease reaction times?

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Biology: How your reaction time measurement affected by distraction
Reference No:- TGS03330153

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