Find key audiences and Communications approach for Global Non-Profit Oceana.
Break down is listed below.
Key audiences
1. List 4-5 audiences key in your organization's international efforts. Key audiences might include the following: Employees, donors, media, governments, volunteers, other non-profits, media, and aid recipients.
2. Discuss the role that each plays in or to the organization (e.g., employees would be "in" the organization but the media is often a key audience "to" the organization)
Communications approach to each audience
1. For each audience noted in Key Audience, discuss how your organization communicates with that audience, and why you think that particular approach(es) is used
2. Discuss any challenges you see with that selected approach. Does the communication style appear to match the situation? (e.g., would not be effective to use the internet to reach those in need if the power is out)