How your organization can meet that need funding is obtained


Select and Develop an Idea for a Grant Proposal

This problem asks you to identify a problem and related need in your community. As you read developing the Proposal Idea from the course text, keep in mind the importance of identifying a specific and quantifiable problem. The problem then translates into a need that demands to be satisfied. Imagine that you a member of a nonprofit organization and consider how your organization can meet that need if funding is obtained. Begin to develop your proposal idea with this goal in mind. Review pages 16 to 18 in your textbook to help you get started writing a compelling proposal idea, and complete Proposal Idea Questionnaire Worksheet. The worksheet will assist you in developing your own specific idea.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: How your organization can meet that need funding is obtained
Reference No:- TGS03138934

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