
How your newly developed system design would look and feel


I. First cut Design Class Diagram

First cut Design Class Diagram is required for any two of the following use cases "Enter New Order', 'Create Case Manifest' and "Record Order Fulfillment". This must be based on the case study provided. (Remember it involves drawing two separate diagrams based on the analysis / domain class diagram that you have created in assessment) It should elaborate the attributes, the behaviors and show navigation visibility. The class diagram should include Domain classes and classes for the Controller and Boundary classes.

II. Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram

The activity and Sequence diagram are required for 'Enter New Order'

III. Interface Design

i. Write dialog for "Enter New Order" that shows the interaction between the user and the new developed system.

ii. Create storyboard for "Enter New Order" to show how your newly developed system design would look and feel.

IV. Use Case Description

Complete the detailed use case description for any one of the use cases "Enter New Order', 'Create Case Manifest' and "Record Order Fulfillment" based on the case study provided. It must follow UML standards.

Case Study

ChemExec is a privately held pharmacy business, which began trading 40 years ago in Melbourne. It provides pharmacy services to health-care delivery organizations that are too small to have their own in-house pharmacy.

Personnel at each health-care facility submit patient prescription orders by telephone. Many prescriptions are standing orders, which are filled during every delivery cycle until specifically cancelled. Orders are logged into a computer as they are received. At the start of each 12-hour shift, the computer generates case manifests for each floor or wing of each client facility. A case manifest identifies each patient and the drugs he or she has been prescribed, including when and how often the drugs should be administered. The shift supervisor assigns the case manifests to pharmacists, who in turn assign tasks to PAs.

Pharmacists supervise and coordinate the PAs' work. All drugs for a single patient are collected in one plastic drawer of a locking case. Each case is marked with the institution's name, floor number, and wing number (if applicable). Each drawer is marked with the patient's name and room number. Dividers are inserted within a drawer to separate multiple prescriptions for the same patient. When all of the individual components of an order have been assembled, a pharmacist makes a final check of the contents, signs each page of the manifest, and places two copies of the manifest in the bottom of the case, one copy in a file cabinet in the assembly area, and the final copy in a mail basket for billing. When all of the cases have been assembled, they are loaded onto a truck and delivered to the health-care facilities. Order entry, billing, and inventory management procedures are a hodgepodge of manual and computer-assisted methods.

Currently, the company uses a combination of Excel spreadsheets, an Access database, and antiquated custom-developed billing software running on personal computers. Pharmacy assistants use the custom-developed billing software to enter orders received by telephone and to produce case manifests. The system has become increasingly unwieldy as facility contracts and Medicare and Private Health Care fund reimbursement procedures have become more complex. Some costs are billed to the healthcare facilities, some to insurance companies, some to Medicare and some directly to patients.

Management has placed a high priority on developing a Web-based application to connect client facilities with the company and plans to develop an extranet that enables its client health care facilities to order drugs and supplies as if they were ordering from an internal pharmacy. The extranet should enable their suppliers to function as if they were part of the ChemExec organization. Ensuring compliance with government regulations will require careful attention••to extranet security.

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Software Engineering: How your newly developed system design would look and feel
Reference No:- TGS03229299

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