
How you would use victimology to better understand victim


You are dispatched to a residence for a welfare check of a 59-year-old woman (Linda) that hasn't been seen or heard from in over three days. The caller is Linda's sister who resides in a different state. The sister talks to Linda nearly every night. According to the sister, Linda is a retired nurse who lives alone. She has two children that live in different states and are equally worried. Linda has a family medical history of heart disease. She has been in an on/off relationship with a former co-worker at the hospital where she worked. There is recent police contact at Linda's residence involving domestic violence. Linda pursued an order for protection against the male whom she was in a relationship with, however she recently went to court to have it removed. Linda's cell phone, when called, goes immediately to voicemail. A family member tells you they attempted to locate the position Linda's cell phone via her cell phone service provider. Per the cell provider, her cell phone's last known position was at Linda's home, however the phone is now believed to be powered off.

Family members fear for Linda' safety. Family gives you and your partners permission to enter Linda's residence via her garage (garage door code was given). Prior to entry, you discover her mailbox to be full and three days of newspapers to be stacked at her from door. Upon entry, you discover Linda on the floor in her bedroom, deceased. She has significant injuries to her face and hands. The scene strongly suggest homicide. You elect to freeze the scene and call investigators.

A death notification is later made to family members. Over the next few days, family members arrive and wish to speak with you.

How you would use victimology to better understand the victim. Explain your law enforcement role when dealing with the family members of the victim. What type of resources might be available to grieving family members of Linda? What type of investigative questions would you ask of the family members?

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Reference No:- TGS03310952

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