
How you would use technology to help remote recruits

Assignment task:

The case for this assignment outlines physician attraction issues faced by Windsor, a mid-size Canadian city located in southwestern Ontario. The city is experiencing a severe physician shortage. To address this shortage, city leaders must compelling vision of the benefits that incoming doctors might anticipate when setting up their practices in their area. To that end, the City of Windsor has created the Health Services Recruitment Office staffed by an HR director with previous experience in other industries. The director is responsible for locating and attracting candidates, but not for screening or selection. Her immediate challenge is to find a general practitioner for a local hospital, but her long-term goal is to address the substantial physician shortage throughout the region in hospitals, clinics, and family practices.  Current statistics about the doctor shortage from public sources referenced in the case study are included.This assignment will require you to identify how to improve the current recruitment strategy by offering plausible and implementable recommendations to increase the doctor applicant pool and alleviate the critical doctor shortage. All necessary performance criteria for the position is provided in the case study.  When thinking through this project, keep in mind that this is a position-person fit. You will also need to customize recruitment strategies, including drafting an itinerary for each of the certified candidates and make a recommendation on the other.  The expectation is that you will reference external sources to help you better understand the case.  Your overall proposal is to develop and present recommendations to the director of Health Services Recruitment.Using a business memorandum style format, you will make recruiting plan proposal. Your proposal will be separated into three parts. Your proposal should be very well organized and address all of assigned questions. You will be judged on your ability to and capacity to present strong, analytical and logical discussions that support your conclusions.For this week, address all of the following:Identify what strategic actions the director can take in the long term to increase the successful recruitment of doctors.  Develop an advertisement that can be used to recruit doctors. Keep in mind the overall strategy and job description of Health Services Recruitment Office. Focus your attention on recruiting methods and whether the current methods are effective or whether you should incorporate other methods to gather a larger applicant pool. Include details and evaluate why you selected this method. Address how to decrease turnover and attrition and whether you should participate in Realistic Job Reviews.  Be thorough in your answer.  Recommend whether recruits will be introduced to hospital professionals and staff during site visits. Support your answer. Recommend how you will address needs of recruits who have working spouses.    Recommend how you will address needs of recruits who have children.  Recommend how you would use technology to help remote recruits be attracted to the area. Determine what links would be beneficial to include, if any.  Include performance criteria and if candidates will fit within the medical community. Provide a set of interview questions that would solicit desired responses. Develop an overall interview protocol, as well as how you would adapt and adjust for each candidate. Measure and evaluate your recruitment strategy. Provide specific details relating back to concepts covered in the book.  Provide a final recommendation. Include in your conclusion a recommendation on who should be a part of the selection committee. Goal of your proposal is to present the most qualified and best position-to-person candidate.  Evaluate the CV's of the potential candidates. Use qualifications of each candidate's KSAO's to determine best position-to-person fit.  Identify whether there is information on the CVs that could be used to discriminate against in the selection process. Include examples you find and recommend how you could alleviate this is in the selection process.

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HR Management: How you would use technology to help remote recruits
Reference No:- TGS03316522

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