Problem: Start thinking about what is involved in developing a classroom store for a specific K-2 grade and how you would motivate students to engage collaboratively in this activity. In the space, describe key steps involved in designing and effectively implementing a classroom store. This does not have to be an exhaustive list of all the detailed steps involved but a thoughtful consideration of how you would support student learning at every step in this project. Consider, for example, the learning objectives you will be aiming for, planning group work and centers around the project, materials that need to be created, managing the classroom space, assessing the project, use of technology, involving family members, offering student choices of activities, etc. Include at least one indicator from the early elementary Social and Emotional Learning Standards that will need to be demonstrated by the children as they engage in this project. (Remember that the SEL learning standards are structured as Goals→ Learning Standards→Indicators→Performance Descriptors.)