
How you would align it with this strategy in presenting the

Propose a strategy for a particular segment of the healthcare sector in Ireland and explain how you would align IT with this strategy. In presenting the IT related work that would need to be done to support the proposed strategy, you are expected to show what would need to be done to address value considerations in relation to the IT investment.

It is not always good practice to have IT dictate strategy but for the purpose of this assignment it would certainly make sense for you to review the work you have done in this area. You could consider an application that you learnt about or studied in that module and consider how it would be aligned with a particular sub-strategy within the Irish health care sector.

You are asked to describe this sub-strategy and then to present how it would be aligned with IT, including the implementation of application(s) across a particular segment of the Irish healthcare sector. The segment may be a geographical area, or a particular type of care (e.g. pediatric, geriatric....) or any particular segment you choose. Again, it is recommended that if it makes sense, you focus on just one application to support your strategy.

A second part of this essay requires a discussion on how you would consider "value" when constructing the project proposal for the implementation of the selected IT application. What steps are necessary in order to be able to clearly present the value to be achieved from the project and what would you do in this specific case to support achievement of value. Essay requirements

The essay should be approx. 3000 words (2700 to 3300 range) - not including references.

In writing your essay, the guiding principle is depth, NOT BREADTH. One should select focused topics and discuss them in depth, demonstrating evidence of self guided research that supports the argument put forward. One is expected to subscribe to particular viewpoints that can be defended with references to peer-reviewed research. However, one should take cognizance of the need for balance by presenting contrary views. Sitting on the fence is not an option.

Presentation including structure.

Clear strategy - well aligned to IT

Harvard referencing system

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Term Paper: How you would align it with this strategy in presenting the
Reference No:- TGS01378258

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