How you will support and respect the infant and their parent

Assignment Directions: Overview

Linus is a 4-month-old infant who has recently joined your program. His parents have asked that on his schedule he should be placed in his crib until he falls asleep and by no means should you attend to him when he cries. They have chosen to follow the "Cry It Out" method. Your personal philosophy is that children should be held and comforted to fall asleep when they are tired. You feel conflicted and are not sure how to approach the situation.

Initial Post

In your initial post, address the following prompts and/or questions.

  • Describe how you will address the situation. Use your knowledge of relationships, emotional development, and self-regulation to explain your answer.
  • Include other considerations that may need to occur. What would you do?
  • Be sure to include how you would decide what to do and how you will support and respect the infant and their parents.

Reply Post

In your reply post, write a reflection on at least one student's initial posts and address the following prompts and questions:

  • If you were the parent, how might you respond to how it was handled? You may even want to respond as the parent.
  • What might be some additional aspects for them to consider?

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Reference No:- TGS03385425

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