
How you were able to overcome one challenge


I. The CPC resource that I selected is the second option, "Medical Coding Training and Certification Guide - 10 Tips". This is the AAPC's official website. In order to take the Certified Professional Coder test, one must become a member of the AAPC. The AAPC stands for the American Academy of Professional Coders. The AAPC has multiple membership options to fit any budget. Tips to Pass the CPC Exam in 2023 - AAPC

II. I can use this resource to help me study for my CPC exam by taking heed to the tips that the professional coders that came before me and paved the way for my success gave on the site, which includes but is not limited to: what to highlight, subject areas that are going to be on the exam and what to bring to the exam on the day of the exam.

III. CPC study resources can help me achieve one of my personal goals of being a professional coder by allowing me to get a gist of potential questions that are going to be on the exam, that way I will be prepared for it. Therefore, if I do not prepare, then I will not succeed.

IV. Posts: Reply to two people on different days.

To add to the academic conversation, reply to your classmates/instructor by introducing a new idea that applies personal experience(s) and/or new knowledge gained from either courseroom material(s) or research (UMA Library). Make sure your reply is substantive. For example, How were your thoughts and ideas similar or different? Do you agree or disagree with their point of view, and why or why not? Remember to build on your classmates' posts and expand the conversation as if you were all sitting in the same room having a face-to-face discussion.

Need help creating replies?

A. Reply to a classmate and discuss one additional example of a guideline you think is important to review before assigning a code from either the Integumentary or Cardiovascular subsection of the CPT manual.

B. Discuss with a classmate how you were able to overcome one challenge regarding coding integumentary or cardiovascular procedures that will enable you to better apply your knowledge when taking the CPC exam.

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