How you use skill to promote yourself for position

Assignment task:

1. Find a job posting that you are interested in. Consider searching popular sites like O*NET or Indeed. The position should have been posted within the last 90 days.

2. Post a link to the listing at the top of your discussion post and briefly describe the job (15-20words maximum).

3. Choose 2-3 of the 10 Skills listed below and explain how you can use them to promote yourself for the position. Make specific connections between the post and the 10 Skills.

NOTE: Concentrate on areas where the 10 Skills connect to the posting and omit education requirements, certifications, or required years of professional experience.

10 Skills:

  • Self and Social Awareness
  • Technology
  • Productivity
  • Initiative
  • Results Driven
  • Communication
  • Relationship Building
  • Problem Solving
  • Innovation
  • Agility

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Reference No:- TGS03373178

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