
How you respond to clients offering professional services


As humans, we want to connect with others. Counselors are to build relationships with their clients to gain the clients' trust. ACA Code of ethics includes setting appropriate boundaries with clients. Most ethical behavior violations include boundary-crossing issues such as inappropriate relationships with a client or a client's family member. Counselors should not have relationships outside the counseling office, such as romantic or other business relationships with their clients. These boundaries protect the client from possible coerciveness or power imbalance within the therapeutic relationship. Counselors cannot use any business that is owned or employs their clients. This would create multiple relationships, such as a client being a website builder and the counselor is looking to create a new website. These multiple relationships can result in the counselor not being neutral and becoming biased, impacting the counseling process. A counselor should be aware of the boundaries between counselor and client. The counselor needs to be aware and evaluate any possible boundary-crossing. The counselor holds the responsibility for protecting clients' well-being even if the clients terminate counseling. The scripture Galatians 6:4-5-NLT "Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you will not need to compare yourself to anyone else.For we are each responsible for our own conduct."


How would you respond to clients offering professional services to help you as their counselor?

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