
How you plan to get from the objective to the assessment


Identify instructional objectives and the appropriate standards for the objective. Construct an assessment plan in which you link the assessments with the objectives.

One formative assessment which addresses the objective you identified. Make sure that the formative assessment addresses either the student's performance or product. an accompanying criteria sheet for the formative assessment.

Construct a summative assessment where you would be able to assess "mastery" of the objective and include a rubric for scoring the assessment. summative assessment should include a variety of questions, including objective questions (multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, etc.) and subjective questions (short answer, essay, etc.)

Give a brief overview of the learning activities (). This overview explains how you plan to get from the objective to the assessment. It does not need to be a full lesson plan.

Explain why you selected or created the assessments, how they are related to the learning objective.

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Reference No:- TGS03329602

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