
How you negotiate a date or time for changes in behaviour

Case Scenario - You are a support worker for a Day Respite Centre that provides daily activities to people with a disability and people that are ageing. Your role is to assist in setting up for the day, provide support to people who attend the service in a variety of ways depending on the person's identified needs. It is also your role to ensure that the Centre is tidy ready for the cleaners to come in the afternoon to do the in-depth cleaning. One of the other support workers that you work with spends a lot of time with the people attending the service and seems to be very busy doing something else when it is time to set up at the beginning of the day and clean up at the end of the day. You are feeling that a huge part of the cleaning is left up to you. You have also noticed that after attending a person's personal care needs the support worker is not washing their hands before assisting someone else.

How would you negotiate a date or time for changes in behaviour?  Write out a short dialogue of your conversation with your colleague.

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Other Management: How you negotiate a date or time for changes in behaviour
Reference No:- TGS03381542

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