How you modify application of chosen theoretical orientation

Discussion Post: Life Transition and Developmental Issues

If you think of this course as a journey, you have traveled quite far. You started by applying some of the most common theories to couples and families experiencing an array of problems. You then looked at some common issues that would impact the couple. Now, you return to the issues common to couples and families everywhere. Your work with couples therapy and diverse relationships may be labeled secondary prevention, as you are working with couples and families showing some-but not severe-signs of relational distress.

Learning Objectives

• Analyze theory-based interventions for couples and families experiencing life transition and/or developmental issues
• Design treatment plans for couples or families experiencing life transition and developmental issues
• Analyze evidence-based interventions for couple and family issues.

In all likelihood, developmental and life transition issues will form the core of your work as a couple and family practitioner. These issues are those that couples and families typically encounter through common day-to-day living and may include being newly married, having a child, or sending a youngest child off into his or her own adulthood. They also may include common stressors, such as divorce, job loss, or death of a family member, just to name a few. Individuals across all cultures experience developmental and life transition issues in one way or another, and you will likely find yourself sitting across from a couple or family experiencing a similar life event to one you have encountered in your own life.

Despite the universality of many developmental and life transition issues, you should still keep in mind that there is no one way to experience a divorce, death, or job loss, nor is there one way to clinically encounter and assist a couple or family experiencing such issues. Different theoretical orientations may suggest different ways for addressing various scenarios, and you may have to modify your chosen theoretical orientation to work effectively in your professional practice.

For this Discussion, choose one life transition or developmental issue, and consider how you might modify your theoretical orientation and/or infuse interventions from other theories in order to address this issue.

Modifying Theoretical Interventions for Clients Experiencing Life Transition and Developmental Issues


Post a brief description of the life transition or developmental issue you selected and your chosen theoretical orientation. Then, explain how you might modify the theory-based interventions of your chosen theoretical orientation to work effectively with client(s) experiencing the issue you selected. Finally, explain the significant aspects of the life transition or developmental issue that influence how you would modify the application of your chosen theoretical orientation.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How you modify application of chosen theoretical orientation
Reference No:- TGS03206256

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