
How you ensure that everyone is meeting assigned deadlines


A. Read the "Patient-Centered Care" case study at the end of Chapter 3 in the textbook and respond to the following questions:

Chapter 3 References: Principles of Patient-Centered Care

a. How could the team have better included Mr. Ramos's wife and family in his rehabilitation?
b. How might the involvement of Mr. Ramos's family have changed the outcome of his rehabilitation?
c. What could have been accomplished if the team would have engaged in patient-centered care from the outset?

B. How can interprofessional education be used to incorporate interprofessional learning experiences into health care professional education? Provide at least three examples to support your response.

C. Research the scope of practice guidelines for your allied health discipline in the state where you live. Summarize the guidelines and discuss how they will guide your clinical decision-making in practice. See Appendix A in the textbook for more information on the scope of practice in a variety of allied health care positions.

D. Interprofessional collaboration and teamwork are integral aspects of any professional workplace, but they are especially significant in health care environments where all health care professionals are working toward the common goal of providing quality patient care and positive patient outcomes. For a team to function successfully, it is essential that team members communicate respectfully with each other and that each team member understands their role in the group.

a. Discuss here your first impressions of your group's dynamic and communication. Does your group have a leader?
b. What other roles did you see beginning to emerge among group members?
c. How did your group allocate the different responsibilities for completing the assignment?
d. How will you ensure that everyone is meeting their assigned deadlines?
e. What kinds of experiences are you hoping to avoid in this group project, and what do you plan to contribute to the group?

E. Read "Case Study: Providing Team-Based Care in a School Setting," at the beginning of Chapter 15 in the textbook, and address the following points:

a. Why is interprofessional collaboration important in this case study?
b. What other health care professionals might need to be involved in the planning and problem solving related to Sarah's care?
c. What are some strategies the team used to work together effectively in providing care for Sarah?

F. Assume that the health care organization where you work has recently decided to change its policy regarding paid-time-off, where all employees must accrue PTO before it can be used, rather than starting the fiscal year with a set number of days available for personal leave. Three upset colleagues approach you and explain how they are rounding up support against the new policy, and they want you to approach management with them.

a. How do you respond to your peers?
b. What might you do to help resolve this conflict?
c. How might this situation affect the dynamics on your professional team moving forward?

G. How does faith influence or inform your work as a health care provider? Discuss the impact of faith on your scope of practice within your allied health discipline.

H. Read "Case Study: Communicating Accurate Information in a Care Situation" at the beginning of Chapter 12 in the textbook. Explain a plan to communicate a plan or memo to share what you have found with a physician and post this information in the discussion forum. Identify similarities and differences between your response and those of your peers.

I. What are the benefits of professional development for health care providers? What are the benefits of professional development for the patients with whom the health care providers interact and for the organizations in which they are employed? Choose two benefits of professional development for health care providers and explain how they motivate you in your academic and professional career.

J. Considering what you have learned throughout this course, what communication and teamwork skills and behaviors can you apply in the health care organization for which you work or hope to work to improve patient care and to advance your professional career? What can you do today to set your professional plans in motion?

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