How you distinguish fact from fiction in evaluating research

Discussion: Critical Thinking

As you should have noted throughout your master's program, psychological knowledge stems mainly from research. Knowledge of the world, however, in addition to coming from direct experience and observation, comes from many sources including journals, textbooks, experts, and various media resources (television, newspapers, and the Internet). An important question regarding these resources is, "Are they all credible?" How do you distinguish fact from fiction in evaluating research information, regardless of its source? This Discussion addresses the importance of critical thinking in evaluating information obtained through various sources including psychological research. Critical thinking is an invaluable skill in life as well as for completing your Capstone Project.

Provide an explanation of the importance of critical thinking and the implications of not questioning information, both in general and as they relate to the Capstone Project.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How you distinguish fact from fiction in evaluating research
Reference No:- TGS03023752

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