
How you consider her wellbeing when planning treatment

Assignment problem: Your client scored 17 on Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) which put her in moderately severe depression. She also scored 21 on Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), which put her into moderate level of depression. Given that your client has been diagnose with stage four cancer recently, and the scores she had in PHQ-9 and BDI-II, what will you recommend for your client based on each of the scores as a counselor? How would you consider her over all wellbeing when planning treatment? What other self-reported measures will you administer to your client now that you know the level of her depression and why would you recommend those self report measures? Separate section on medical is significant area for such a client. What would you consider addressing when having separate section on medical and why? Your client mentioned having extended hours of sleep how would you address that?  When choosing your self-reported measures, and when answering the questions, remember you are not allowed to diagnose.

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Other Subject: How you consider her wellbeing when planning treatment
Reference No:- TGS03218997

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