
How you can apply what you learned to future business


Advertising Paper

As future marketing, advertising, and business professionals it is important for you to learn from the successes, and failures, of others. It is a mistake to ignore the past and the advice that is available through the actions of other individuals and organizations. Organizational actions can provide valuable information and assist you in understanding ideas that work well.

This assignment is focused on successful organizational actions and is designed to provide you with an opportunity to learn from a successful advertisement. While the textbook provides you with important information and theories, real-life advertisements provide practical applications to the written word. It is important to read and understand theories, however, it is also important to understand how the information can be applied in the business world.

You will select one of the following organizations/advertising campaigns to research, review, and analyze:

1. Tide To Go "Interview" Commercial
2. Dove "Campaign for Real Beauty"
3. Burberry "The Art of the Trench"
4. Old Spice "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like"
5. Red Bull "Stratos"
6. Newcastle "Anna Kendrick" Commercial
7. Progressive Insurance "Flo"
8. Coke "Share a Coke"
9. Proctor& Gamble "Thank You Mom"
10. UNICEF "Tap Project"

Following your selection you will then utilize internet research to review information pertaining to the advertising campaigns. It is recommended that you start by using a search engine (i.e. Google) to help you find information.

You will then develop a paper that contains at least:

A through summary of the campaign

The impact of the campaign (use facts and your opinions)

Why you believe the campaign was successful

What you were able to learn from the campaign

How you can apply what you learned to future business opportunities

Your paper must be a minimum of 2 pages in length and a maximum of 4 pages in length. You must use Times New Roman size 12 font and double-space each page. Additionally, you must include a separate cover/title page that includes the title of your paper, your name, the course name, and the date of submission. Finally, your paper must be free of errors and professional in appearance.

your paper is worth 100 points, please see the rubric in Canvas for a specific breakdown.

"Historians and archaeologists will one day discover that the ads of our time are the richest and most faithful daily reflections any society ever made of its whole range of activities."

Marshall McLuhan

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Microeconomics: How you can apply what you learned to future business
Reference No:- TGS01821127

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