
How you calculated the projected wage rate you are arguing


Build the case (first in written form and in tables) for a particular wage for 2023 and 2024 based on real wages, parity with other similar NAICSs and jurisdictions, and any other data you see as relevant. Comparing the past percentage changes across similar occupations and jurisdictions is one way to build a case. Looking at past wages in that jurisdiction is also important. Look at both current and constant dollar wages. Be sure that your wage case is in table as well as narrative form. Begin with a narrative summary. Be sure that you are analytic and use specific numbers in your narrative. Have at least 3 tables. Tell how you calculated the specific projected wage rate you are arguing for and make clear arguments based on your evidence.

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Microeconomics: How you calculated the projected wage rate you are arguing
Reference No:- TGS03356076

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