
How you balance your personal value with that of interest

Problem: You are a police officer working in a rural town. During a night patrol, you come into contact with a minor; 13, who is carrying a bottle of beer and appears to be mildly intoxicated. According to your official duties as an officer, you should issue the minor a citation for breaking curfew and for minor in possession (of alcohol). However, your personal values concerning the matter call for leniency. You believe that for minors to grow into young adults, they must engage in some deviancy in order to explore and understand the borders between good and bad behavior: You would prefer to locate the parents or guardians of the minor and deliver the minor to them. How do you balance your personal value with that of the interest of the minor, the parents/guardians, your duties as an officer and the general public interest? Provide an example of an assessment tool to help you reach your conclusion.

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Other Subject: How you balance your personal value with that of interest
Reference No:- TGS03305102

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