
How you are going to address the leadership weaknesses you

Leadership Assessment & Response Instructions

In this assignment, you will submit a 2000 word paper covering two major section. The first is an assessment of the weaknesses in your leadership (surrounding the areas we studied in this course), and second a response to your weaknesses that pre-plans how you will address these leadership weaknesses moving forward.

Part 1: Leadership Assessment

In the first section of your final paper, you will identify and assess the weaknesses in your leadership (as they pertain to the theology of leaders, spiritual disciplines of leaders, family life of leaders, and vocational life of leaders). You may focus on one or several of these domains of leadership. This section should be between 1000-1250 words in length.

Part 2: Leadership Response

In your leadership response, I want to see a specific plan regarding how you are going to address the leadership weaknesses you have just identified in the preceeding section. This section should be between 750-1000 words.

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Other Subject: How you are going to address the leadership weaknesses you
Reference No:- TGS02698154

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