
How you are currently able to demonstrate your capacity

Assignment Task:

Using Gibbs  reflection framework, reflect on how you are currently able to meet the Australian Profession Standards 1.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.2 and 7.4  for Teachers at the Graduate Career Stage (AITSL) and the importance of these standards to your continuing professional development. Address each of the standards and explain how you are currently able to demonstrate your capacity to meet these. Address each standard separately.

Next, identify and explain areas of strength and weaknesses for each standard with clear links to the Graduate Teacher Standards and literature. Choose a professional development activity, course or work shop and discuss how the professional development activities will support your areas of strength and address areas for improvement to meet the Proficient Teacher Standard

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Other Subject: How you are currently able to demonstrate your capacity
Reference No:- TGS03360990

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