
How would your dating relationships have been different


If I Were a Different Gender

Imagine that you are a member of a different gender. In what ways would your life be different? What would you specifically like or dislike about being a different gender? For example, as a child, would your parents have treated you differently? (If relevant, you might reflect on how your parents treated your brothers or sisters.) Do you believe that your teachers would have treated you differently? And what about your expectations for your behaviors?

As a teenager, how would your dating relationships have been different? And now as a college student, do you think that your choices of classes or a major would be the same if you were a different gender?

Would your future career choices be the same as they are today, and would co-workers and your boss likely treat you differently? What about future (or current) family roles? Would your role in the family be different if you were a different gender? Finally, when you are old, how would you imagine your life to be different if you were a different gender? NB: the person in question is a male and therefore the writing should be about a female

Make at least a half a page for your answer. If you prefer, you can write more but, no more than two pages.

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Other Subject: How would your dating relationships have been different
Reference No:- TGS03270319

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