When working with children and teenagers, it will not be uncommon for their parents to bring them to you wanting you to "fix" the issues their child or teen is dealing and then walk away, leaving you to "work your magic." Sadly, this is simply not the answer, and if this is the parents' perspective, then there is probably a number of complex issues related to what the child or teen has been experiencing, discuss the following:
A. Why do some parents feel like their child is the sole problem and do not want to participate in the solution?
B. How would you approach the family about the need to do family counseling rather than individual counseling?
C. is there a scenario that fits this situation providing specific details about the behaviors and attitudes the child or teen has been expressing as well as the overall issues that are contributing to this within the family system.
D. How would you work with this family over a number of sessions?
E. How would you integrate guidance provided in the Bible to your work with this family?