
How would you use the assessment to inform your classroom

Assignment: Accessing Early Literacy Skills feedback to the two peers below

Guided Response: In addition to responding to your instructor's comments and questions, respond to at least two of your peers who described different assessments. How did their assessments build on the assessment you chose? Why is it important to have multiple measures? Think about this comment from Marie Clay (2006): "It is recommended that teachers obtain a profile of a student across all tasks. No single task provides a satisfactory assessment of progress in early literacy."

1. Letter/Sound Recognition

• Describe the purpose of the assessment. What is it supposed to measure?

- The purpose of this assessment would have to know identify the letter that represents the sound. It is suppose to measure the ability to recognize the letters and sounds.

• The procedures of the assessment. How would you administer it?

- I would label flash cards of each letter, I would get the groups attention, I will introduce the lesson, I would point to each letter and say the sound of it, then they would have to repeat after me all together. When they say the sound, I will ask what letter is it. Each student will need to master it before I show him or her another group of letters and sounds.

• The rationale. Why is it important to measure this early reading skill?

- It is important, because in order to read words the students would need to recognize each letter and be able to say the sounds of the letters in order to read the word correctly.

• The implications for your classroom. How would you use the assessment to inform your classroom practice?

- I would have my students work in pairs, by using a white board and marker. They would need to write a sound on the board and have their partner tell them what letter it is and to say the sound of the letter. I would make them do that for about 30 minutes, they would have to rotate once with a new partner. When that is finished, I will have a blank sheet of paper passed out to each student, I will stand in front of the class and I would say a sound out loud and they would have to write it down. I then will grade it and see what students understand or what students may need more practice.

2. Accessing Early Literacy Skills (by: Theresa Johnson)

Letter/s and sound identifications:

The purpose of the assessments. What is it supposed to measure?

The purpose of given an assessment to a child is for the teacher to recognize and understand what level the student is entering school on. The assessment measures that the student knows and recognize and identify different sounds associated with the letter are words given.

The procedure of the assessment. How would you administer it?

According to the text "Assessments Directions for kindergarten Teachers & Parents

It states that an assessment is given to each student on a one on one basics on phonemic awareness being part of a daily lesson plans. Data is input by the teacher to compare what other students are on the same level to see what students need extra help. To administer the assessment is usually given at the beginning of the school year and toward the end of each school year. For given the letters and sound assessment the teacher can use pictures and sound for student to identify letter that is before them.

The rationale. Why is it important to measure this early reading skill?

The rationale that teachers look for is to measure what student recognizes the letter and sound while reading. It is important for students to learn these basic skills at an early that will help their reading skills as the progress to grade to grade.

The implication for your classrooms. How would you use the assessment to inform your classroom practice?

In the classroom that I work in now we use different Aps to help improve their knowledge of identifying letters and sound. I think since seeing this first hand, I would give students assessment test to pair them one higher and one lower together, by allowing students to work in pairs this gives them a sense of independence, and learn how to work on their social skills also. I would add to my lesson plans for different activities for those that have a difficult with reading.

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Dissertation: How would you use the assessment to inform your classroom
Reference No:- TGS02200123

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