
How would you see this knowlwdge as global leader how would

1- What are some of the darkers sides (in other words, costs) associated with globalization? How would you use this knowledge as a global leader ? 200 words

2- Three Economic Systems
- discuss and describe the three economic systemts. In your opinios, which economic systems is the common and why? How would use this knowledge as a global leader/ 200 words

3- Compare Rivals

- Pick ad pain of rivals( such as samsung /sony, nokia/motorola, and boeing/airbus) and explain why one outperforms the others. How would you use this knowdlege as a global leader? 200 words

4- Discuss (worlwide) which countries were the largest recipient and source countries of FDI last year? why? 200 words.

1. will this situation in charge in five years?

2. Ten Years

3. How about 20 years down the road

4. How would you use this knowledge as a global leader?

5- NAFTA (North america free trade agreement) critics arguee (that thanks ro NFTA) a flood of subsidized VS Food imports wiped out mexico's small farmers. Some 1.3 million farm jobs dissappeared. Consequently, the number of Illegal Immigrants in the united states skyrocketed.

- discuss your words on NAFTA, CAFTA, and FTAA?

- how would you see this knowlwdge as global leader?

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