
How would you satisfy your energy needs

Discuss the below:

Q1: One hundred years ago, many scientists believed that the universe was infinite and eternal, with no beginning and no end. When Einstein first developed his general theory of relativity, he found it predicted that the universe should be either expanding or contracting. He believed so strongly in an eternal and unchanging universe that he modified the theory, a modification he would later call his "greatest blunder". Why do you think Einstein and others assumed that the universe had no beginning? Do you think that a universe with a definite beginning in time, some 15 billion or so years ago, has any important philosophical implications? Explain.

Q2: You've probably noticed that, in discussing the Big Bang theory, we never quite talk about the first instant. Even our most speculative theories at present take us back only to within 10-43 seconds of creation. Do you think it will ever be possible for science to consider the moment of creation itself? Will we ever be able to answer questions such as why the Big Bang happened? Defend your opinions.

Q3: If you could live forever, would you choose to do so? Suppose the universe will keep expanding forever, as the bulk of observations currently suggest. How would you satisfy your energy needs as time goes on? How would you grow food? What would you do with all that time?

Q4: Scientists, philosophers, and poets alike have speculated on the fate of the universe. How would you prefer the universe as we know it to end, in a big crunch or through eternal expansion? Explain the reasons behind your preference.

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Physics: How would you satisfy your energy needs
Reference No:- TGS01884165

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