
How would you respond to your friend


Your friend is very angry about a bad grade she received on a paper. Since you've taken a psychology course, she comes to you for advice on reducing her anger, and asks if punching a pillow would be helpful in releasing, and ultimately lessening, her anger. Based on what you've learned in Psych 1010, how would you respond to your friend? (Make sure to mention what this phenomenon is called!)

Later, a different friend mentions to you that a girl he is interested in dating has invited him to go to a scary "haunted house" dinner theater. He tells you that he's not sure that doing something scary is a good idea for a first date, and he's thinking of doing something else instead. Based on what you know about emotions from Psych 1010 (specifically, how the emotions of being frightened are sometimes interpreted), how would you respond to this friend?

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