
How would you place the following list of probation


How would you place the following list of probation/parole officer responsibilities in the order you feel are most important. After your list, can give your rationale for the order you have chosen.

List of Officer Responsibilities:

1) Recommend remedial action or initiate court action in response to noncompliance with terms of probation or parole.

2) Administer drug and alcohol tests, including random drug screens of offenders, to verify compliance with substance abuse treatment programs.

3) Prepare & maintain case folder for each assigned inmate or offender.

4) Discuss with offenders how such issues as drug and alcohol abuse and anger management problems might have played roles in their criminal behavior.

5) Conduct prehearing and presentencing investigations and testify in court regarding offenders' backgrounds and recommended sentences and sentencing conditions.

6) Inform offenders or inmates of requirements of conditional release, such as office visits, restitution payments, or educational and employment stipulations.

7) Write reports describing offenders' progress. Arrange for medical, mental health, or substance abuse treatment services according to individual needs or court orders.

8) Supervise people on community-based sentences, such as electronically monitored home detention, and provide field supervision of probationers by conducting curfew checks or visits to home, work, or school.

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