How would you involve estelle in creating care plan for reg


Scenario: Reg and Estelle

Estelle cares for her husband Reg who had a stroke (CVA- Cardiovascular Accident) 6 months ago. They have lived in their home for the past 35 years. Reg spent the last four months in a rehabilitation hospital and returned home last week. They have agreed to have a support worker to help Estelle with Reg's care and to do some housework.

Before Reg had the stroke, he owned and managed a local Real Estate business. He enjoyed playing golf and going to the horse races with his friends. During this time Estelle provided support in running the business. She also enjoyed painting and decorated their home with many of her own oil paintings. She has many long-time friends who she used to see regularly, and they would visit each other's homes and meet for outings. Over the years Reg and Estelle have taken overseas holidays together. Estelle has often organised fund raisers for the local primary school.

Reg and Estelle have two children. Mark now runs the Real Estate business and their daughter, Jill, lives in Queensland. They have 5 grandchildren and they see Mark's three children frequently. They used to take their grandchildren on outings every school holidays and often had them over to stay, but this has not happened since Reg had the stroke.

Reg can weight bare independently but needs help to stand for long periods. He needs assistance with his personal care, which involves assisting him to the toilet, helping to change his incontinence pad, partial assistance with showering, grooming and dressing, assistance with meals and medication and needs ongoing emotional support. Reg has the use of a stand-up lifter, a shower chair and commode chair and uses a four-pronged walking stick to mobilise. The bathroom has not been modified and is quite small and cramped. Reg often sleeps during the day and watches TV from his lounge chair at night. He has refused to sleep in his own bed anymore. Estelle now cares for Reg and works from home as an advisor to the family's Real Estate business.

While you are assisting as the Support Worker Estelle tells you she is becoming exhausted because she is looking after Reg, doing all the housework and shopping as well as trying to work in the business. She says she really misses looking after their grandchildren, seeing her friends and doing her painting.

Think about the scenario and answer the following questions.

I. Describe the types of support that Estelle helps Reg with each day.

II. What information could Estelle give you about Reg that would enable you to help them more effectively?

III. How would you involve Estelle in creating and designing a care plan for Reg?

IV. What tasks could you help Estelle with that would give her more time to do her painting and see her friends?

V. List one potential physical risk and one potential psychological risk that may cause harm to the care relationship between Reg and Estelle.

VI. Describe one strategy for each potential risk that would help to manage these risks effectively - include all reporting and documentation processes.

VII. Think about the principles of person centred care and strengths based practice: (i) what could you do to help Reg's transition back home to be a more positive experience? (ii) how would you acknowledge Estelle's role in supporting Reg each day?

VIII. List two types of information and/or services that could promote more positive outcomes for Reg and Estelle and enhance your role as the support worker.

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