
How would you incorporate inpatient and outpatient services

Influence on Health Care

From your readings, discuss which law you believe has had the most influence on health care in the past 10 years: 1)Balanced Budget Act, 2) OBRA, 3) HIPAA, 4) another.

Please give reasons in your discussion.

Back your opinions/statements with references from your readings. ASSINGMENT NO 2.Business Plan


SCENARIO: You are the marketing director of a large MCO that is new to a large metropolitan area. Your boss wants you to segment the local market by size of company: small, medium, and large, then to create a package of services to offer each market segment.

For each market segment, write a business plan regarding the services you would offer that market segment. Include how those services would be organized. You may assume anything you want about the metropolitan area, such as whether it has PPOs, HMOs, IPAs, and so forth. Incorporate your assumptions into your marketing plan.

Be sure to include such things as what payment systems would be implemented (fee-for-service? capitation? deduction? and so forth).

How would you incorporate inpatient and outpatient services? How would you handle mental health services?

Each business plan would be about 1.5 to 2 pages in length. Double space and use 1 inch margins all around in 12 point Times New Roman font.

Use headers freely to help outline your various recommendations for structure and content

There is no one correct answer to this. Your task is to demonstrate through this assignment that you understand the structure and internal operations of MCOs as presented in the text, particularly in Chapter 5.

When writing, consider these questions:

What might a large MCO in a large market look like?

What sort of financial structure would it have?

What would be the physician relations and so forth?

Use the text as a guide as to other factors that should be included in your business plan. Details are good here.

Consider the reader in how you structure your business plan. Do not write paragraphs that are 50 lines long. Break up your content into paragraphs that reflect changes in topic or thought. As stated above, use headers freely. Proper grammar is important.( this are two different assingment)

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Science: How would you incorporate inpatient and outpatient services
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