
How would you explain to himher the fact of the love of god


Each "essay set" assignment comprises a distinct situation and essay question(s) to prompt and to help student's think through and assess the knowledge gleaned from the textbook, videos and course reading.

Each essay question should be answered for the module/week assigned, thought out and supported. (each essay for a total of 4 pages, double-spaced; a Cover Page & Bibliogra-phy Page must be included, but are not included in the page totals required). It is expected that the course textbook and assigned reading will qualify as the primary sources for writing essays; however, students are permitted to use other sources (however, these cannot be blogs, church or ministry websites).

Any sources quoted or used in the essay should be footnoted and cited (to not footnote and give citations will result in an immediate 11% deduction). Each essay is meant to answer a related group of questions, so it is important that you are thorough in answering the questions completely.

Essay Prompt

A new believer who has recently placed his/her faith in Christ has started attending your Sunday school class or Small Group Bible Study. He/she has no religious background and church is completely new to him/her.

The new believer mentions in class that he/she recently heard a pastor say that everyone needs Jesus as his or her personal Savior and that all who either do not hear the gospel and even all that do hear the gospel but reject Him as Lord and Savior will spend al of eternity in Hell.

But he/she said that this must have been a mistake since Jesus died, was buried, and rose again for the sin's of all men and He loves and wants people to know Him and be saved. He/she goes on to explain that he/she thought people might go to Hell for a time, but then get out of Hell and allowed to be in Heaven after that time.

How would you explain to him/her the fact of the love of God and the justice of God?

How would you explain the fact of provision of salvation through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus to satisfy the judgment of God, but the need for an individual to accept this provision, re-pent of his/her sins, and accept the grace, mercy, and forgiveness found in Christ alone?

How would you explain the reason for Hell and the free will of man to accept or reject the gospel?

Since this is a new believer, be careful with the language that you use. The new believer may be unfamiliar with the terms that you use. It is fine to use theological terms, just be sure to define them when you use them. Use relevant Scripture and supporting sources to substantiate your re-sponse.

Textbook: pgs. 746-758 & pgs. 761-765 & pg. & pgs.782 785-801
30TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, IL. 2011

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Dissertation: How would you explain to himher the fact of the love of god
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