Assignment Task:
Discussion Assignment Instructions
Directions: You will post one thread of at least 300 words. The discussion threads in this course require a high level of thought and investigation on a number of important topics and related questions. Your posts must demonstrate course-related knowledge from the assigned readings and presentations, and you are to support your assertions with at least two scholarly research articles in current APA format. Sources cited must have been published within the last five years.
Discussion Thread: Project-Based and Problem-Based Learning
After reviewing the content and links for this week, compare and contrast project-based and problem-based learning and what these two approaches look like in the classroom.
Then, answer one or more of the questions below:
1. How would classroom planning and instruction need to change in order to fully capitalize on the strengths of problem-based learning?
2. What if students could move on to the next skill or concept or dive more deeply into a topic when they were ready, instead of sitting through lessons and taking tests over material that they already know? (iNACOL)
3. What if students spent less time preparing for high-stakes testing and more time on problem-solving, critical thinking, meaningful projects, and collaboration? (iNACOL)
4. How would you encourage students to use technology effectively for collaboration to solve the problems presented by cases and case studies? Provide some specific examples.
5. What are the challenges of promoting new approaches to teaching and learning in an existing curriculum, especially in an online learning environment?
6. What core elements need to be included in the evaluation of the case-based learning approach in order to assess students' critical thinking? Need Assignment Help?
- Read: Triple E Evaluation Rubric - Evaluating Apps and Websites for Learning Potential
- Read: What is the 5 E Instructional Model?
- Read: Project-Based Learning vs. Problem-Based Learning vs. X-BL
- Read: Project-Based Learning vs. Problem-Based Learning.
- Explore: Triple E Framework
- Explore: TIM - Technology Integration Matrix
- Explore: Government Technology: Center for Digital Education: K-12 Education
- Explore: Government Technology: Center for Digital Education: K-12 Education
- Explore: ISTE Standards for Educators and Education Leaders
- Explore: Edutopia - Technology Integration
- Explore: NASPAA: Making and Using Case Studies in the Classroom
- Explore: The University of British Columbia: Case Studies
- Explore: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning