
How would you distinguish between pure autocorrelation and

In studying the movement in the production workers' share in the value added (i.e., labor's share), the following models were considered by Gujarati*:

Model A: Yt = β0 + β1t + ut

Model B: Yt = α0 + α1 t + α2 t2 + ut

where Y = labor's share and t = time. Based on annual data for 1949- 1964, the following results were obtained for the primary metal industry:

Model A:Yˆt = 0.4529 - 0.0041t R2 = 0.5284 d = 0.8252
(-3.9608 )

Model B:  Yˆt = 0.4786 - 0.0127t + 0.0005t2
(-3.2724) (2.7777)
R2 = 0.6629 d = 1.82

where the ?gures in the parentheses are t ratios.

a. Is there serial correlation in model A? In model B?

b. What accounts for the serial correlation?

c. How would you distinguish between "pure'' autocorrelation and speci?- cation bias?

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Microeconomics: How would you distinguish between pure autocorrelation and
Reference No:- TGS01174874

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