Question 01: How would you develop a job analysis plan for Alshaya Company? Explain the steps and approaches that you would use in job analysis?
Question 02: Assume that you are appointed as HR manager at ALshaya. Choose one key role from Alshaya's job openings listed above and write a detailed job analysis for it?
Submit your completed assignment on blackboard.
Report should not be more than 2 pages.
Late submission will lead to the deduction of (-2) marks per day.
Writing Guidelines: Paper size: A4, Line Spacing: 1.0, Margins: 1" (inch) all sides, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 for text and 14 for heading; and overall good presentation
The assignment should have a nice front page containing all the required information such as; title of the assignment, Course name, section number, university logo, student name and University ID.
*Steps in Job Analysis or Job Analysis Process
1-Decide how to use the information.
2-Review relevant background information.
3-Select representative positions.
4-Analyze the job.
5-Verify the job analysis information.
6-Develop a job description and job specification.