How would you describe your parents when you were young

Homework: Cultural Interview Paper

You should interview a person who grew up in another country (or lived there for an extended period of time - 10 years or more). The interview should focus on parenting, child care, and educational norms in that country compared to those in the United States.



For this homework, you should interview a person or a family who grew up in another country

(or lived there for an extended period of time - must be 10 years or longer). The interview should be centered on child-rearing and educational norms in that country, compared to those in the United States. Note: You may NOT interview a classmate from this course, but you may interview another student if you wish (for example, the International Office hosts various cultural events throughout the year where you can meet international students at TWU).

Three topics you must address in the paper:

• Parenting
• Child care arrangements
• Education

Within these main topics, here are some suggested sub-topics:

• Parent-child relationship and communication
• Parental nurture/warmth
• Discipline practices
• The role of the child within the family
• Child care arrangements (in the first few years and later)
• Child-caregiver relationship
• Activities and structure of the child care environment
• The educational experience
• Educational structure
• Child-teacher relationship
• Parent-teacher communication

Note: These are just examples. By all means, please feel free to come up with your own creative ways to ask questions. Keep in mind that the homework will be graded based on the rubric.

a. How would you describe your parents when you were young? Were they strict? Warm? Did you have house rules? Did you have any rule that you felt unfair?

b. Who was involved in your development? Mother? Father? Both? How is the current relationship between you and your parents? If you had issues, would you discuss it with them?

c. Did you go to daycare? How long? How old were you? Who did you spend time with when your parents were not available? How did it make you feel?

d. How would you describe the difference between the U.S. and your home country in education? Which do you like better and why?

e. In terms of education, what is the one thing that you do not appreciate in the U.S.?

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

a. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

b. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

c. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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