Interview your mother and/or father about YOUR first two years of life. Answer the questions listed below.
- Were you breastfed or bottle-fed? For how long? When you were introduced to solid foods, did you have any allergies? Were you overweight, underweight, or average weight at 1 year old?
- Where did you sleep? Were you a good sleeper (slept all night and napped during the day) or not?
- How old were you when you: rolled over, sat up, crawled, cruised, walked alone? What were some of your favorite toys? Was there a game you particularly liked to play, such as peek-a-boo or patty cake?
- What were your first words? Was more than one language spoken at home? If so, which did you prefer to use?
- How would you describe your own temperament? Were you an easy child, a difficult child, or a slow-to-warm-up child?
What do you think happened during your first two years of life that impacted your later development, either positively or negatively? Be specific.