
How would you describe the differences between body art and


Politics and Postmodernism

Read Chapter 11: Politics and Postmodernism

Homework Comprehension Questions

Please answer these questions in paragraph format, including at least four sentences.

Please cite Fineberg's textbook and/or a lecture in support of your response.

1.How would you describe the differences between "Body Art" and Alan Kaprow's "Happenings"?

Choose a single "Body" artist to focus your discussion.

2.In your view, how do Gerhard Richter's abstract paintings relate to the most celebrated non-representational painting of the twentieth century, Abstract Expressionism? Pick one Ab Ex artist and compare their work.

3.Sum up the differences between Modernism and Postmodernism. Make sure you refer back to the discussion of modernism earlier in your textbook in order to refresh your memory.

4.Imagine explaining one of Christo and Jeanne-Claude's works to a bewildered "man on the street." What are the artists trying to say in their works?

5.Explain the concept behind Joseph Kosuth's
One and Three Hammers


Modernism vs. Postmodernism

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This week we have moved firmly into the era of postmodernism, which extends from the 1970s until some time in the 1990s. (Hard to get a scholarly perspective on recent historical periodization!) I think a key challenge for scholars, artists, and viewers is to sum up a single big difference between modernism and postmodernism.

A practical way to do it--though obviously simplifying the intellectual problem--is to isolate paradigm artworks. In other words, pick a "modernist" artwork and "postmodernist" artwork and explain how they embody the two big stylistic epochs.

Draw upon the textbook, lectures, favorite web resources, or other classes to write your response. It can be helpful to imagine you were teaching a friend or family member and had to give them a starting place.

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Dissertation: How would you describe the differences between body art and
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