
How would you define the target audience


The product is the city of Indianapolis for Super Bowl attendance in January 2012. As you may know, January is typically the coldest temperature month with frequent snow fall and is a stark contract to some of the previous Super Bowl warm weather locations (think of Miami in January). For this Key Strategy in Advertising assignment you are taking the role of the advertising agency executive responsible for the ad campaign to promote attendance at Super Bowl 2012 and the city of Indianapolis.

• Taking the role of the advertising agency executive responsible for this ad campaign, answer the following questions (adapted from Arens, Schaeffer, & Weigold, 2012, p.204):

a. Who: How would you define the target audience?

b. Why: What is the basic problem the advertising must address? What are the objectives of the proposed advertising campaign? In other words, what are your trying to accomplish with the ad campaign

c. What: What are the product or service features that can satisfy the customer's needs? What are the key benefits to communicate?

d. Where and When: Where and when will the message be communicated?

• Paper length is four pages in the body of the paper.

• Use four references plus your course textbook to support your discussion in your paper, a total of five or more references.

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Other Management: How would you define the target audience
Reference No:- TGS01781556

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