
How would you define the common good does the common good


Reflect in at least 2 paragraphs (1 page) on one of the following questions. Answers should demonstrate that you understand how to interpret and explain the four main principles of CST (solidarity, subsidiarity, personhood, and the common good).

Mastery (15)

Good (13-12)

Progress needed (11-0)

"I can clearly explain the four main principles of CST and connect them together, while giving practical examples of how the common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity are being displayed in the world."

"I can name the principles, and provide some examples to explain them, but I have trouble giving specific definitions."

"I can name a few of the principles. but cannot clearly demonstrate understanding of how they play out in society or how they relate to me."

1. How would you define the common good? Does the common good concern you personally? Why or why not? Provide an example of where the common good is or is not being upheld or strived for.

2. Think about the principle of subsidiarity. What responsibilities can you take care of without passing them on to someone else? On what levels (family, school, community, etc.) can you participate to take care of the responsibilities that apply to those specific groups/levels? (give practical examples) What is a current event that this is on display today?

3. Do you believe you have a responsibility to participate actively in society? Is it necessary to practice solidarity with others? Why or why not? (provide examples) Provide an example of where solidarity is needed or is happening today.

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Other Subject: How would you define the common good does the common good
Reference No:- TGS02386674

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