How would you define 'strategic performance management'? Reflect on why there's often a narrower and less encompassing understanding of performance management within companies. List some of the reasons why you think this might be the case.
Thinking about your own organisation (and others in which you've worked), what do you see as being key components (or stages) in the performance management process.
In Armstrong's Performance Management theory. Identify which three or four of the key issues and implications suggested may need further attention as a priority to enhance the operation of PMS in your organisation.
Review 7-S framework and gain an understanding of what's meant by each of the Ss. Make notes on what you would include under each of the Ss for your organisation - for example, systems might be a computerised accounting system and skills might be bookkeeping abilities. Apply the 7-S model to your own organisation or department. Look for where there is good alignment between the different Ss and where alignment is not as it should be. Identify at least one S for attention and suggest ideas or plans to 'align' it appropriately over time.