How would you consider the in light of the love piece

Discussion Post

• What are some of the key feelings or emotions that are evoked and conveyed in the manifestos? How would you consider these in light of the Love piece?

• What does a manifesto achieve on its own? Think about this in light of the Armstrong and Crage article

• We already considered distinctions like intellectual/political, academic/activist. What do you make of these distinctions in light of all the material assigned for this week?

• Try to identify 3 features that there are in common across a number of manifestos. This could be features relating to form, to content, to political stance, to the actions they demand...anything at all.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How would you consider the in light of the love piece
Reference No:- TGS03192003

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