Develop an assessment for a student describing the needs and challenges in their school setting that negatively impacts their learning. If possible, use a current case includes mental health or social concern
A. Clearly describe the chosen school setting: urban, suburban, or rural, and whether this is an elementary, middle, or high school. Also, provide some information on the demographics of the population served (e.g., income levels/free and reduced lunch percentage, race/ethnicity of students and school personnel, cultures and religions present within the school community, characteristics of the surrounding community).
B. Identify a student and describe the student's needs, risks, and protective factors. How would you conduct a risk assessment with this student if you have not already done so? Would you use a standardized risk assessment? If so, what information would the assessment yield? If not, how would you gather this information?
C. Provide an overview of what possible solutions and the role you (as the school social worker) will fulfill in implementing an approach to meet the mental health and social needs of the student within the school environment.
D. How could the student's needs be met? Describe how you would work with other school personnel/community stakeholders to help the student reach their identified goal, if at all. How would you go about partnering with students and their families to help the student reach their goal?
E. What are some potential barriers or challenges (e.g., policies, poverty, school personnel) that you would need to address while working with this student? How will you work through these challenges?