
How would you conduct a needs assessment to determine if

For your final project, you will be required to create a multimedia presentation about a train-the-trainer program you would design. Your challenge is to create an approximately 10 minute overview presentation about how you would teach future trainers about creating training programs.

In addition to content requirements, you must utilize at least three forms of media, which may include PowerPoint, Prezi, sound, etc.. Another requirement will be the inclusion of a downloadable job aid, which can be in the form of a written file or an audio file. As you progress through the course, you will learn both about training and development and some of the technology skills you will need to complete your assignment.

In week six you will be required to submit a rough draft of your project for review. This will be graded and returned to you with feedback in time to make adjustments prior to your final submission. Topic Requirements for Program Design: Your presentation should include each of the topics listed below.

Discuss "what" each topic is and why it is important to program design.

Include an overview slide.

Selecting and preparing a training site.

Choosing trainers.

What learning theory will guide the training preparations and implementation?

What are a few common options and why are they appropriate for adult learners?

How trainers make the training site and instruction conducive to learning.

Curriculum road map. .Pre- and post-training activities.

Program design implications for the transfer of learning.

Why types of activities will be used: formal education, assessments, group projects, e-learning, etc.?

Levels of management support of training.

How do trainers assess a training program's success?

Job Aid: Choose one aspect of your presentation about which you will create a job aid. It can be in document form, an infographic (in a document), or a quick podcast.

Media Requirements: You must use a combination of any three forms of media/technology to develop your content as well as creating a downloadable job aid. You may consider a video, PowerPoint, Prezi, Audio, etc.

Here are some examples:

1. A Prezi with recorded audio file downloadable job aid in PDF format

2. YouTube video that includes a PowerPoint presentation, audio downloadable job aid in PDF format

3. A Prezi with music and a downloadable job aid that is a podcast. These are just examples, so please be creative. Be sure to see grading rubric before starting the project. Good luck and have fun!

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HR Management: How would you conduct a needs assessment to determine if
Reference No:- TGS01461703

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