
How would you compare the two major sects of islam

Homework: Characteristics of Judaism, Christianity & Islam

In this homework, you will share what you learned about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and how these religions compare with one another.

Complete Parts I-III below. As you complete this homework, consider the presence of these religions in the world today. You may want to conduct an internet search to see where any or all of these religions appear in news, film, arts, etc. Considerthe information from your search as well as from classroom resources when working on this homework.

Note: You may find helpful resources for completing your homework in the Center for Writing Excellence.

Part I: Religion Characteristics Table

Complete the table to reflect on your understanding from your readings and your additional research.


Basic Teachings of the Religion

Important Historical Event(s) Within the Religion

Rituals and Holy Days and Symbols


Effects of Religion on Modern Society

o Reform






o Orthodox






o Conservative






o Catholic






o Orthodox






o Protestant






o Sunni






o Shi'a






Part II: Reflection

Write a 525 to 700 words overall response in short answers to the following:

o How would you compare the three major sects of Judaism - Reform, Orthodox and Conservative? Consider the history, tenets, and traditions in your response.

o How would you compare the three major branches of Christianity - Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant? Consider the history, tenets, and traditions in your response.

o How would you compare the two major sects of Islam - Sunni and Shi'a? Consider the history, tenets, and traditions in your response.

o What did you take away from the process of creating your religion characteristics table?

o What did you discover about the connection among the specific religions and morals or ethics?

Part III: References

Include a references list. Use a citation generator, such as the Reference & Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence, to cite the research used to complete this homework. Format your in-text citations (e.g., Adams, 2016, p. 23) and references list (i.e., list of resources at the end of the homework) using APA format.

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

o The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

o The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

o Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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