How would you approach hals case

Q1. What are some of the life experiences, hardships, feelings, and psychological struggles that caused the characters in the Gay Men and Meth film to want to do meth? (What are they "getting" from their meth addictions?)

Q2. When thinking about the short Hal Crisp case study, do you think Hal is at risk for addiction? Why or why not? What are the risk factors in his case? (Be sure to FOCUS ONLY on the information provided in the case study. Do not make assumptions!)

Q3. How would you approach Hal's case and what recommendations would you give as an addiction counselor? (use the guides to help inform your answer here!)

Q4. Who is Carl Hart and what is unique about his background?

Q5. According to Hart, what are some facts around race, class, addiction, and the war on drugs?

Q6. What are his three suggestions at the end for addressing drug use in America?

Q7. What are your thoughts on his legalization and liberty arguments from the interview? (Do you find them compelling? Do you agree or disagree with them?)

Q8. Do you feel his disclosure about his own regular illicit drug use will help or hinder his efforts at ending the drug war? (- which is the reason he claims he "came out")

Q9. Then connect this discussion to recreational marijuana legalization. What are the racial justice / racial equity reasons for legalizing marijuana in New York? (What will the new policy do to address the history of racial injustice that has resulted from the contemporary Drug War?)

Q10. What are your thoughts on Hart's provocative ideas, including his three suggestions, and on recreational marijuana legalization in NY and other states?

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